Columbus Circle
Columbus Circle
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
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De bästa sätten att uppleva Columbus Circle
Område: Midtown West
Så här tar du dig hit
- 59th St – Columbus Circle • 1 minuters promenad
- 59th St – Columbus Circle • 2 minuters promenad
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Dana Los Angeles
Los Angeles, Kalifornien1 216 inlägg
jan. 2025 • Arbete
A premier location in New York City at head of Central Park. Impressive development with shopping and casual dining options.
Skriftlig 3 januari 2025
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稔 矢
Hachinohe, Japan82 inlägg
okt. 2024 • Par
Located on a corner of Central Park, stands a statue of Columbus. It was on the way from the hotel to John Lennon's Dakota House. It seems to be Nihonbashi in Japan.
Skriftlig 15 oktober 2024
Det här är ett subjektivt omdöme av en Tripadvisor-medlem och inte av Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor kontrollerar omdömen.
Pune, Indien3 395 inlägg
sep. 2024 • Ensam
Located near the entrance of Central Park from 7th Avenue, Columbus Circle is a spot with nice views and options aplenty for clicks and selfies.
Skriftlig 22 september 2024
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Thomas V
Oakland, Kalifornien19 064 inlägg
aug. 2024 • Par
A major crossroads in the city, where the Upper West Side meats the Broadway theater district with a big subway station, some hotels, and a big new shopping center. Lots of office buildings as well.
Skriftlig 31 augusti 2024
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Frankrike164 914 inlägg
maj 2024 • Ensam
A square southwest of Central Park that makes it easy to find your way around the city. Good meeting point also.
Skriftlig 9 juni 2024
Det här är ett subjektivt omdöme av en Tripadvisor-medlem och inte av Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor kontrollerar omdömen.
Dublin, Irland31 611 inlägg
maj 2024 • Par
Columbus Circle is a manic are and always full of tourists and vendors on their horse and carts. Always something to see and do.
Skriftlig 11 maj 2024
Det här är ett subjektivt omdöme av en Tripadvisor-medlem och inte av Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor kontrollerar omdömen.
Sylvie R
Genève, Schweiz1 545 inlägg
apr. 2024 • Familj
Nice place at the end of Central Park. There is a shopping center where we took refuge because it was pouring rain but we didn't find it extraordinary.
Skriftlig 28 april 2024
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New York1 949 inlägg
jan. 2024 • Vänner
It was extremely exciting to walk through and drive through such an iconic area of NYC. This area is used in so many photographs and television shows, it was so unique to walk through it and feel connected to some of my memories from pop culture. The area is also extremely beautiful for NYC and I really enjoyed the adjacent Christmas market that was going on in the park.
Skriftlig 28 mars 2024
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Troy, NY496 inlägg
feb. 2024 • Vänner
Always a fun and safe area of the city to stay. Easy access to Central Park, many great restaurants and hotels, museums, shopping, and the subway to get you anywhere in the city.
Skriftlig 11 februari 2024
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Stevenage, UK3 513 inlägg
okt. 2023 • Ensam
Columbus Circle is on the South West corner of Central Park.
There is a roundabout and three roads meet here, 59th Street, Broadway and 8th Avenue. At the centre of the roundabout is a statue of Christopher Columbus who is looking down on everyone passing by.
As it is a major junction it is quite busy so be very careful when crossing the road and keep your wits about you as cars come from different directions.
There is an area at the centre of the roundabout where you can sit and relax but personally I would prefer to walk a little further to Central Park where there is some amazing scenery.
The Time Warner Building is here with some swanky shops. The Trump International Plaza Hotel is also here. Whenever I passed it there was a strong smell of cannabis (!)
There is a roundabout and three roads meet here, 59th Street, Broadway and 8th Avenue. At the centre of the roundabout is a statue of Christopher Columbus who is looking down on everyone passing by.
As it is a major junction it is quite busy so be very careful when crossing the road and keep your wits about you as cars come from different directions.
There is an area at the centre of the roundabout where you can sit and relax but personally I would prefer to walk a little further to Central Park where there is some amazing scenery.
The Time Warner Building is here with some swanky shops. The Trump International Plaza Hotel is also here. Whenever I passed it there was a strong smell of cannabis (!)
Skriftlig 2 december 2023
Det här är ett subjektivt omdöme av en Tripadvisor-medlem och inte av Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor kontrollerar omdömen.
We need your help. Going on a “sisters” weekend trip to New York. First time for the three of us and don’t even know where to start. Arriving to LG airport at 10am Jan 26 and staying until Mon 28. Staying on the corner of Central Park and Columbus Cir. Need help starting. We were told to purchase the Explorer pass with different attraction options. We have thought of purchasing a pass with the Big Bus Hop in hop off 1 day pass, with tickets to the Statue of Liberty, Imperial State Building, 9/11 memorial museum, Soho-Little Italy-Chinatown tour, and the Guggenheim Museum. The bus says to go by the Brooklyn Bridge, and since it is going to be really cold, we thought of seeing it as we go from the bus. In the evening we are thinking of staying really late in Times Square.
Since we will be by Central Park and Columbus Cir, we are thinking of spending the day around this area on Sunday. Or we could do this on Sat during the day plus Times Square in the evening, and do the Big Bus Ride with all the other entrances on Sunday.
Monday morning we have planned to do some shopping at the mall near the hotel.
Are we too off track? Please forgive our ignorance. We just have never been to New York.
Skrivet 2 januari 2019
wow. amazing itinerary ! you have done your homework. i would recommend to enjoy the foods around the city too. ( may read my reviews) . many who come to nyc FALL for the bike trips by the sellers. AS A NEW YORKER IT IS A WASTE OF TIME. NYC IS NOT REALLY A BIKE CITY to have locking the bike and safeguarding is a hasselle. not to mention the lines to rent and yo return.. in case there 30 min city bikes. 34th st and 7th ave area is a lovely shopping area too. chinatown in the day is totally different experience than the night ! shopping near the hole 57th st and 5th ave is the key. chanel lv ysl and all the top sellers !
enjoy your stay in nyc
Skrivet 2 januari 2019
I have never visited NYC before and planning for new year to spend time there, It is a huge circle which connect to the all city and It is the center of the city, I have got these information from govisitnyc. If you have any online website which can be helpful for me to visit almost places of NYC, Please suggest ?
Skrivet 5 oktober 2017
I'm really sorry I'm not sure I understand the question.
Skrivet 5 oktober 2017
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