Al Balad – Downtown Amman

Al Balad – Downtown Amman

Al Balad – Downtown Amman
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4,5 av 5 bubblor508 omdömen
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Paris, Frankrike2 010 inlägg
3,0 av 5 bubblor
dec. 2024 • Par
It is better to leave the car and take the walk to better soak up the atmosphere of the neighborhood. No remarkable architecture. Souks and steps. Nothing transcendent.
Skriftlig 26 december 2024
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Port Said, Egypten687 inlägg
3,0 av 5 bubblor
mars 2024 • Familj
Anyone who visits Amman will definitely pay a visit even if unintentionally. It is dominantly oriental with some old Roman icons, and it is a congested region if driving around. The downtown is known for the markets, the people, authentic Islamic features and Masjids, the oriental local food and desserts, the Roman theatre, and the Citadel. Although it is one of the main points of interest, it is not one of the best places.
Skriftlig 11 december 2024
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Nazareth, Israel242 inlägg
5,0 av 5 bubblor
juli 2024 • Familj
تجربة مميزة ومثيرة، زيارة وسط البلد من اهم الزيارات في عمان لما فيها من أمور يمكن زيارتها او ممارستها
تحتوي وسط البلد على العديد من المطاعم المشهورة التي يجب زيارتها والمعالم السياحية
Skriftlig 29 juli 2024
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Haytham Abu Firas
Qatar21 345 inlägg
4,0 av 5 bubblor
juli 2024 • Familj
If you need something go to Al Balad Amman Downtown. And if you don’t need anything also go to Al Balad. Well, Al Balad is the downtown area of the city, full of shops, restaurants, cafes, fruits trolley, nuts, corns, gold market, souk el khodra, birds market, Grand Hussaini Mosque, Al Balabsi market, Al Bukhariya market and many others.
Definitely you will enjoy your time. Don’t miss Habiba Kunafa.
Skriftlig 21 juli 2024
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Flipperty Gibbert
Carlisle, UK131 inlägg
5,0 av 5 bubblor
maj 2024 • Ensam
Amman is a large sprawling city built on numerous hilltops, but its centre is compact and very easy to navigate.
It is also very safe. I wandered around as a lone female and not one person caused me even the slightest unease. I did not feel afraid on the streets of Amman at any time.
Of course, the street sellers call you to buy their wares, but they never harass you.
The people are friendly, and if needed, helpful.
They will talk to you everywhere, asking your name and where you are from...practising their English, asking random questions.

There is a lot to see and experience downtown....

Al Hashemi St is the main focus for finding your way around and locating all the sights.
This road will lead you to the Jordan Museum, the Roman Theatre, the souks, the nymphaeum.... King Fasyal St runs at right angles from it too (and so onwards to the famous Hashem restaurant (and fabulous falafels) , Dukes Diwan and more shops and cafes)

Grand Husseini mosque on Hashemi St is a good landmark for finding bearings- and also beautiful. It is surrounded by hubub, the busy sounds of the arab street, the pipping of the taxi drivers, the salesmen, the call to prayer.... and the area behind it hides a maze of souks: fresh vegetables, homewares, clothing, jewellery.... one souk following on from another.
There are no 'ancient' souks here in Amman but many shops and themed markets.

A wander up and down these streets will bring you random pop up antique traders, a multiude of juice bars and terraced coffee shops, a thousand clothes stores adorned with hanging thobes (the Jordanian/Palestinian embroidered gowns) and souvenirs. Wander further and you will find carpets and woven bedouin fabrics, an outdoor selection of books (the joys of living in a dry climate!!) ...

High above it all is the citadel- a hilltop archaeologial site and panoramic viewpoint housing a roman temple, an ummayad mosque, a bronze age cave and, among other gems, a fabulously inspiring archaeological museum.
I recommend starting your exploration of Amman up here! Get a taxi up, explore at leisure, and then walk down through the maze of side streets to the ampitheatre (all raods lead there as long as you keep heading downwards!) You will pass numerous pretty cafes and art galleries on the way.
The plazas outside the theatre are where locals hang out and people watch. There are food stalls, and the square is lined by the most beautiful purple blossomed jacaranda trees.
There are 2 theatres (1 mini), the main one houses 2 museums in its side wings dedicated to folk costumes and traditional skills and ways of life.

From here, you can either turn right towards the Jordan Museum (a day of culture!) or head left along the main streets to the cafes and shops.

... the museum houses the most fascinating ancient artefacts- some of the oldest know artworks in the world, and hosts an interactive range of exhibits exploring the art and science renaissance of the Islamic period. A very interesting walk through the history of the region

Off Al Hashemi St a small side street houses the roman nymphaeum. There is not much to see but it is being restored. The site is still interesting to walk around and there is a model depicting how it would have looked in its day.
In the exact opposite direction is King Faisal St... (see above)

And somewhere up in the side streets which slope off in a (usually steep) upwards direction from these 2 main streets you will find Rainbow St. In my opinion, overrated, but the guidebooks claim you can find anything here (I think they mean foodwise..lots of burger bars etc). There are a few nice shops, some overpriced souvenirs (and some decent!) and a few nice touches like umbrella covered areas/lampshaded lights, painted stairs and some solidarity grafitti. The locals love to hang out here apparently. I personally prefer the lower downtown area. Again, I recommend a taxi up here, explore, and walk down through the side streets (all downward roads lead back to a recognisable location!)
Downtown is hilly!

Watch out for the Taxi Drivers. They have a tendency to try to overcharge (like taxi drivers the world over!) so set your price in advance- hotels can give you an idea of what kind of price to expect- or insist that they put on the meter. I only had one taxi driver try anything, the others were all gentlemen.
Haggle in the shops. This is expected. The price quoted is never the real price, it is a game... enjoy playing!
Skriftlig 18 juni 2024
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Doha, Qatar5 inlägg
5,0 av 5 bubblor
apr. 2024 • Vänner
Downtown amman is chaotic in a good way.
Lots of shops, restaurants and cafes.
All near to historical site such as citadel and roman theater.
Skriftlig 22 april 2024
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Córdoba, Argentina10 230 inlägg
3,0 av 5 bubblor
apr. 2024 • Par
We visited at night, since since it is Ramadan, most places open after 8 p.m. There are many businesses that sell souvenirs, local clothing, many vendors on the sidewalk with toys, stockings... some areas have a total cap on the number of people. There are bars, to eat something on the go and ice cream parlors.
Skriftlig 3 april 2024
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Bukarest, Rumänien15 inlägg
5,0 av 5 bubblor
mars 2024 • Vänner
Crowdy area with a lot of local shops where you can find almost anything, from souvenirs, hardware, grocerie market to living animals. Intense experience. Safe if you're careful when you cross the streets. It's like a street bazar.
Skriftlig 16 mars 2024
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Washington DC, DC6 624 inlägg
5,0 av 5 bubblor
okt. 2023 • Ensam
I am glad that I stayed here for 3 days. Accross from my hotel is the Roman Theater that I can see it from my bedroom window for 24 hours.

There are shops, restaurants, stores, etc. on both sides of the main street. Went shopping here for some items that I badly needed. Vendors are kind and helpful here, found help in buying a lock for my suitcase. Note that only cash is accepted and haggling is practised here.

Along the way, also noted a big mosque that is opened only to Muslims, not opened for tourists.
Skriftlig 30 oktober 2023
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Barcelona, Spanien900 inlägg
5,0 av 5 bubblor
juni 2023 • Par
Llegamos con un Uber a la zona del downtown al lado del anfiteatro romano y hemos callejeado durante un par de horas viendo la enorme actividad que tienen estas calles. Zona muy ajetreada y organizada por categorías, de repente uno está en una zona donde solo venden verduras, otra de comida, otra de ropa, otra de muebles y así sucesivamente.
Aunque prácticamente no vimos a turistas, nos sentimos seguros al pasear de noche en una zona donde los autóctonos compran , salen a tomar algo y charlan.
Bonita experiencia
Skriftlig 25 juni 2023
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