Lungolago di Lazise
Lungolago di Lazise
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254 inom km
228 inom km
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1 487 omdömen
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Martina C
Padua, Italien739 inlägg
dec. 2024 • Vänner
The lakefront is beautiful but above all spotless! Despite the numerous presence of dogs and food stalls is spotless! At every step you can admire breathtaking views! They look like paintings! I would definitely say SUPER!!!
Skriftlig 5 januari 2025
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Fabio T
Province of Cremona, Italien1 597 inlägg
jan. 2025 • Par
Bella Lazise (VR), parking nearby and also within walking distance these free. On a favorable day we admired the Christmas markets that extend throughout the streets of the center. Lazise offers many restaurant bars and the markets themselves offer tastings of all kinds. Nice day.
Skriftlig 4 januari 2025
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Michela Valentina Pierluigi
Venedig, Italien177 inlägg
dec. 2024 • Familj
We have known Lazise for several years and we always like it.
This year we stayed there for a few days in December and the lakefront with Christmas decorations and Christmas market houses was wonderful.
We highly recommend it accompanied by a good hot chocolate with whipped cream.
This year we stayed there for a few days in December and the lakefront with Christmas decorations and Christmas market houses was wonderful.
We highly recommend it accompanied by a good hot chocolate with whipped cream.
Skriftlig 28 december 2024
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Eindhoven, Nederländerna46 inlägg
sep. 2024 • Par
Nice little village. We slept at the church above a restaurant. Nice shops, bars and restaurants. From here you can also take public transport to other nice villages nearby...
Skriftlig 30 oktober 2024
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Bradford, UK511 inlägg
sep. 2024 • Par
Staying in Peschiera we'd visited Sirmione on the ferry already, found it beautiful but very crowded due to the narrow nature of the peninsula the old town is on & the little lanes there. The ferry was the same price, €10 each return, it was only a short trip, then the ferry was going on to other resorts up the eastern side of Lake Garda like Bardolino. We instantly loved Lazise, there was a cute small historic harbour with boats, war memorial & church surrounded by restaurants then a big, wide promenade along side the lake with wavy paving stones to walk along, with the view of the magnificent mountains getting closer as you walk towards the other harbour. The lakeside promenade is lined with restaurants, my husband and I had a lovely lunch overlooking the gorgeous view. We found that the shops were classier in Lazise than Peschiera especially, not just tacky tourist shops, there was a lovely big wine shop & some decent clothes shops etc. We loved our day in Lazise & would definitely recommend it, in fact I preferred it to Peschiera as a more attractive & relaxing resort, it just doesn't have a railway station which we did use once to go to Milan on the train. A lovely memory.
Skriftlig 8 oktober 2024
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Bergamo provinsen, Italien45 inlägg
sep. 2024 • Par
I visited Lazise a couple of times during a short holiday, hoping to take a long and quiet walk along the lakefront, but in both cases I was very disappointed.
The lakefront was crowded like Venice during the carnival and so we found ourselves elbowing through the crowd, including children running here and there between our legs, like crazy animals, and muzzleless dogs drooling on my calves and urinating and defecating everywhere. Added to this were the inevitable bicycles, which - despite the crowd - darted in every direction, making a dangerous slalom between pedestrians.
The town of Lazise, with its beautiful lakefront, is itself beautiful. But its charm and the beauty of the lakeside environment disappear if the visit is disturbed by the deafening cacophony of venues broadcasting music at full volume, by a mass of rude and uncivilized tourists (including young people who trampled on the rose garden to "play volleyball" with a bottle of water) and by gatherings of chopper enthusiasts, whose deafening noise contrasts sharply with the quiet beauty of nature.
Ultimately, I was looking for a bit of quiet and romance, and I found only a stressful environment, worse than that of the center of Milan at rush hour.
And to conclude this experience, which I would describe as tragic, the machine to pay for parking near the lakefront only worked with a smartphone, despite the instructions also stating the possibility of paying by credit card or debit card.
To pay we had to wait in a long line because many - including us - could not pay. After several attempts, we found an alternative machine, which also accepted cash and finally - after half an hour of swearing under a scorching sun (with additional charge for the additional 30 minutes!) - we managed to pay and leave that hellish sleaze, to increase the long queue of vehicles trying to get away from the lakefront.
It 'absurd that the City of Lazise makes it so difficult to pay for a service, which is very expensive (2,20 € / hour)!
The lakefront was crowded like Venice during the carnival and so we found ourselves elbowing through the crowd, including children running here and there between our legs, like crazy animals, and muzzleless dogs drooling on my calves and urinating and defecating everywhere. Added to this were the inevitable bicycles, which - despite the crowd - darted in every direction, making a dangerous slalom between pedestrians.
The town of Lazise, with its beautiful lakefront, is itself beautiful. But its charm and the beauty of the lakeside environment disappear if the visit is disturbed by the deafening cacophony of venues broadcasting music at full volume, by a mass of rude and uncivilized tourists (including young people who trampled on the rose garden to "play volleyball" with a bottle of water) and by gatherings of chopper enthusiasts, whose deafening noise contrasts sharply with the quiet beauty of nature.
Ultimately, I was looking for a bit of quiet and romance, and I found only a stressful environment, worse than that of the center of Milan at rush hour.
And to conclude this experience, which I would describe as tragic, the machine to pay for parking near the lakefront only worked with a smartphone, despite the instructions also stating the possibility of paying by credit card or debit card.
To pay we had to wait in a long line because many - including us - could not pay. After several attempts, we found an alternative machine, which also accepted cash and finally - after half an hour of swearing under a scorching sun (with additional charge for the additional 30 minutes!) - we managed to pay and leave that hellish sleaze, to increase the long queue of vehicles trying to get away from the lakefront.
It 'absurd that the City of Lazise makes it so difficult to pay for a service, which is very expensive (2,20 € / hour)!
Skriftlig 26 september 2024
Det här är ett subjektivt omdöme av en Tripadvisor-medlem och inte av Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor kontrollerar omdömen.
Elisa H
Woerden, Nederländerna11 inlägg
sep. 2024 • Par
Nice town to stroll around, you can also enjoy a beautiful sunset here in the evenings. Several restaurants to be able to eat.
Skriftlig 19 september 2024
Det här är ett subjektivt omdöme av en Tripadvisor-medlem och inte av Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor kontrollerar omdömen.
Vimercate, Italien407 inlägg
aug. 2024 • Vänner
You arrive in Lazise and, at the gates of the village, there is a large paid parking lot where it is easy to find a place. Then lake direction and walk along the beautiful lakeside and full of restaurants bars and ice cream parlors. We go inside and find ourselves in a forest of shops. Worth the visit.
Skriftlig 8 september 2024
Det här är ett subjektivt omdöme av en Tripadvisor-medlem och inte av Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor kontrollerar omdömen.
Hepberg, Tyskland172 inlägg
aug. 2024 • Familj
Nice place, clean city, nice alleys. I was there for the first time in 2015 and have been coming back here ever since. In the evening watching the sunset on the promenade is my highlight.
Skriftlig 7 augusti 2024
Det här är ett subjektivt omdöme av en Tripadvisor-medlem och inte av Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor kontrollerar omdömen.
St. Odilienberg, Netherlands68 inlägg
aug. 2024 • Familj
Beautiful place with a beautiful small inner harbor. Nice and tasty restaurants and of course the standard things for a tourist attraction such as terraces, souvenirs, ice cream shops etc
Skriftlig 7 augusti 2024
Det här är ett subjektivt omdöme av en Tripadvisor-medlem och inte av Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor kontrollerar omdömen.
Hello. which did you like better Lazise or Bardolino?
Skrivet 18 augusti 2024
Ich möchte an meinen Geburtstag da hin.
hast du für mich eine Adresse wo diese geschäfte sind.
ganz lieben dank
Skrivet 5 juli 2022
Perfect for young and old families if you've not already been
Skrivet 1 maj 2019
La gara delle “Bisse” merita di passare la serata del 15/08 nel senso che è bella da vedere ??
Skrivet 25 juli 2018
Ciao sabato e domenica facciamo un week end a Lazise ..volevo sapere se c è qualche festa in giro ?o nei paesi intorno o fuochi d artificio?grazie
Skrivet 9 juli 2018

Nicola B
Mendrisiotto, Schweiz
2 inlägg
Ciao purtroppo non lo so in quanto non sono del luogo,comunque guarda su internet eventi in questa zona!Ciao Nicola
Skrivet 10 juli 2018
München, Tyskland
È una località adatta per un anziano con problemi motori?
Skrivet 15 april 2018
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