Eremo Le Celle
Eremo Le Celle
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Nadia F
4 inlägg
jan. 2025 • Par
Magic place bello.Un imposing hermitage set in a valley bella.Regna absolute silenzio.Posto solitaire that helps reflection and meditation
Skriftlig 5 januari 2025
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Italien689 inlägg
dec. 2024 • Par
We came in early December there was virtually no one but a few foreign tourists. in the small parking lot very few cars. Around all peace and silence that even seemed to increase once you walked in the path of the Hermitage. A short walk but the spirit is refreshed, you relax and leave with renewed enthusiasm and hope. Recommended.
Skriftlig 21 december 2024
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William T.
Pieve Santo Stefano, Italien1 252 inlägg
nov. 2024 • Par
Just 3 kilometers from Cortona is this fantastic place. You visit in a short time. Small parking space for up to 10 cars. Council
Skriftlig 4 november 2024
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Pierluigi Toti
Province of Parma, Italien34 inlägg
okt. 2024 • Familj
Very special place, rich in history, tranquility, particularly suitable for a moment of reflection that would be greatly needed.
Skriftlig 3 november 2024
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Erika C
Milano, Italien25 inlägg
sep. 2024 • Ensam
It is definitely worth visiting this place, perfectly kept as only monks can do. So clean and perfect that it looks like it was built yesterday. Unforgettable.
Skriftlig 30 september 2024
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James Doakes
Marche, Italien743 inlägg
jan. 2024 • Ensam
The hermitage is located at the end of a road that is easily accessible by car, which can be easily left in the car park in front of the entrance. I stopped by on a weekday and the peace that reigned was absolute. Both the place and the atmosphere are beautiful, I had the opportunity to read a book on one of the many benches under the olive trees and it is a truly conciliatory experience.
Skriftlig 31 januari 2024
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Boston, MA705 inlägg
jan. 2024 • Par
We just wrapped up our visit of Cortona (lovely town), and I thought lets visit the monastery.
I am neither religious nor Catholic. But this place is truly special. The moment we got out of the car, the peace and tranquility just blanketed the whole space. i had no idea of the magic of the place. I wish we could have stayed longer.
And wear hiking shoes. The trails in the bottom looked gorgeous.
Do visit. Even a short 30 minutes visit is good for the soul.
I am neither religious nor Catholic. But this place is truly special. The moment we got out of the car, the peace and tranquility just blanketed the whole space. i had no idea of the magic of the place. I wish we could have stayed longer.
And wear hiking shoes. The trails in the bottom looked gorgeous.
Do visit. Even a short 30 minutes visit is good for the soul.
Skriftlig 29 januari 2024
Det här är ett subjektivt omdöme av en Tripadvisor-medlem och inte av Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor kontrollerar omdömen.
Milano, Italien94 473 inlägg
dec. 2023 • Par
This beautiful hermitage was founded by Saint Francis himself who stopped to pray and meditate in a cell (which can still be visited today).
It was one of the first hermitages founded by the Saint and, still today, it hosts friars.
Definitely a place of peace and meditation.
Not far away, but not included in the hermitage, there is a small church dedicated, naturally, to San Francesco.
It was one of the first hermitages founded by the Saint and, still today, it hosts friars.
Definitely a place of peace and meditation.
Not far away, but not included in the hermitage, there is a small church dedicated, naturally, to San Francesco.
Skriftlig 27 januari 2024
Det här är ett subjektivt omdöme av en Tripadvisor-medlem och inte av Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor kontrollerar omdömen.
Catia P
10 inlägg
okt. 2023 • Par
Absolutely worth visiting if you go to Cortona, a beautiful place, the photos don't give a good idea of this place surrounded by nature which instills peace and tranquility.
Skriftlig 30 oktober 2023
Det här är ett subjektivt omdöme av en Tripadvisor-medlem och inte av Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor kontrollerar omdömen.
Hawke's Bay Region, Nya Zeeland22 inlägg
sep. 2023 • Par
What a peaceful place to visit. Only a handful of other visitors when we arrived on a sunny morning. There is a tranquility that permeates the grounds, enhanced by a black & white photographic exhibition of the resident friars.
Skriftlig 21 september 2023
Det här är ett subjektivt omdöme av en Tripadvisor-medlem och inte av Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor kontrollerar omdömen.
Si possono prenotare visite guidate o girare liberamente ed in autonomia rispettando il carattere di luogo sacro e silenzioso che l'eremo suggerisce
Skrivet 19 januari 2020
Credo di si,perchè internamente,a parte la chiesetta c'è molto poco da vedere.
Skrivet 8 augusti 2019
Hallo allemaal, Hello all,
Is Le Celle nog bewoond, en door wie dan?
Of zitten gewoon de deuren op slot?
Do there still live people, and who are they?
Or are the doors just locked?
Groeten, greetings,
Skrivet 24 februari 2019
Arrivando dalla stazione ferroviaria di Camucia quanto dista a piedi? Grazie
Skrivet 8 februari 2019
Salve, da Camucia all'eremo sono circa 6 km ma è tutta in salita e a piedi ci vuole circa un'ora e mezza; conviene prendere il bus fino a Cortona alta e poi se si vuole, proseguire a piedi.
In macchina si percorre la SP34 e si arriva in 12 minuti.
Skrivet 5 mars 2019
Hi Christine!
I appreciated your review about Cortona/Eremo and would love the name and contact for your tour guide?
Thank you so much!
Skrivet 5 september 2018
How long of a walk is it from Cortona to this place? Does one need a car?
Skrivet 30 juli 2018
It was 10min in car. You should have a car since it is at a hill
Skrivet 17 augusti 2018
E' distante dal centro ? Cone ci si arriva a piedi ?
Skrivet 24 juli 2018
Is there a time when one might be able to hear Gregorian chanting? Is there a tour offered of the premises or is it just a self guided visit? Are there hours of operation? Thank you
Skrivet 6 februari 2018
Hello, visited Eremo Le Celle in october when visiting Cortona, we done this on foot about a 50 min walk each way,you may need maps as it was through rural roads, got details from a lady called Ramona in Hotel Italia in Cortona, We don't really know if there is Greorian chanting and we went there without a tour on foot, try contacting Ramona in Hotel Italia in Cortona, speaks good english and helpful about local attractions,
Skrivet 7 februari 2018
E' possibile visitare l'eremo con un cagnolino di media taglia (10 Kg)?
Skrivet 30 juli 2017
Penso proprio di sì anche perché ricordo che puoi visitare l'esterno, all'Interno hai pochissimi spazi da visitare....
Skrivet 14 augusti 2017
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