RAD Torque Raceway

RAD Torque Raceway

RAD Torque Raceway
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4,0 av 5 bubblor46 omdömen
Mycket bra

Fort McMurray, Kanada3 048 inlägg
5,0 av 5 bubblor
dec. 2023
We really enjoyed driving through the Magic of Lights. We visited twice this year and had an enjoyable time both times. There were some different displays this year compared to last year. Absolutely love the drive-through tunnels. Personally, I like this one better than the St. Albert one.
Skriftlig 31 januari 2024
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Lisa W
Zama City, Kanada147 inlägg
5,0 av 5 bubblor
aug. 2021 • Vänner
Went out with my grown son to watch some of the Bracket races… low key, minimal people in the stands, great view was able to walk thru the pits and talk to the drivers and see up close and personal! Grounds are well cared for and you can tell many volunteer hours go into the facility! Definitely going back for other events large and small. Great for all ages. Some of the racing was the juniors which start at about 7 years old!
Skriftlig 9 augusti 2021
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Dan M
1 inlägg
1,0 av 5 bubblor
dec. 2020
Such trickery! Left work Monday and headed out with the family at 6pm from W. Edm. Waited on the highway in a line up before getting into the entrance. Once in was herded into a line up with numerous loops of traffic inching it's way to what seemed the entrance to the lights with no escape or exit. The sign said one hour wait. Then at what seemed the final line to the ticket booth hidden away was another 6 longer loops than the previous. At 9:50pm finally arrive at the lights too tired to appreciate the view. Got home at 10:40pm. If you are a front line worker like me don't do this trek you are not likely to be functional the next day.
Skriftlig 22 december 2020
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Sherwood Park, Kanada370 inlägg
1,0 av 5 bubblor
nov. 2020
STARS Building Magic in the Air (Christmas Magic of Lights) on Saturday, November 28, 2020. We are big supporters of STARS over the year and decided to do this event to further our support with this $25 donation. Our ticket time was 7 to 8pm. As we turned onto highway 19 at 6:45 the cars were backed up 2 abreast all the way to the overpass over 2 miles back. This would be fine if the line was moving but it was excruciatingly slow. It took over an hour just to get to the driveway.

At the intersection there was no one directing traffic even though in the park there were several people standing around doing nothing with lighted wands in thier hands. Thru traffic had to drive on the shoulder. Then it was serpentine back and forth several times before we arrived at the entrance at 9:15pm. I told some staff members that "This had to rank right up there with the stupidest things I had ever done in my life." There was no way to opt out and leave. Two or three cars were stopped with no one in them and I suspect that they had perhaps ran out of gas. Then even though prompted to turn their headlights to the lowest level possible, at least half of the cars had them on dim or on bright.

The Christmas lights were very nice, but this was a way oversold. We got through and on our way home at 9:45pm. Hundreds of cars, perhaps thousands, idling and creeping along for three hours is not helping the environment or the mental anguish. Many cars turned back before entering the driveway. I would never do this again. Stay away and donate your money directly to the charity of your choice. Enjoy the Christmas lights in your own home!
Skriftlig 29 november 2020
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18 inlägg
1,0 av 5 bubblor
dec. 2019
Too widely spread out to enjoy the overall effect. It is not worth the money you pay to drive through. I love all Christmas lights and displays; however, this was a total disappointment. Although, I am thrilled that a portion of the proceeds paid goes toward a charitable organization and I do hope that it is a large portion which puts it into a different perspective just knowing that the entry fee is being put to good use.
Skriftlig 29 december 2019
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I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your experience. We have literally received over 1000 positive reviews, and I personally love it! Our team works tirelessly to provide an enchanting show for an exceptional value. We wish you the very best in the new year and hope that you will give us try again in winter 2020; each season we change the show to keep the experience vibrant and new. Kind regards, K
Skriftlig 30 december 2019
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Norma R
3 inlägg
5,0 av 5 bubblor
dec. 2019
Best outdoor Christmas light display I've ever seen - will definitely go again, must see to believe - absolutely phenomenal!
Skriftlig 16 december 2019
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Joan G
Edmonton, Kanada39 inlägg
5,0 av 5 bubblor
dec. 2019
Our daughter and I wanted to take my mom out but she has difficulty walking long distances. We heard about the Castrol light show and decided to make the drive out. It was worth the drive. The fee to get in is by vehicle no matter how many in it. Each section has a title with about 8-10 displays to match the title. Example 12 Days of Christmas, each display went through the 12 days, partridge in a pear tree, 2 turtle doves, 3 french hens etc.

The lights are truly spectular and the movement of some it amazing. It takes approx 15 mins to drive through, with an option to get out at the end and enjoy some hot chocolate.

They also offer options to riding through with groups, check their site as this didn't interest us.
There is a discount for purchasing tickets ahead on line.

There are a few rules in place and I can understand why they are in place: no stopping, it is single lane and would back up very quickly. No faster than 10km, safety. If you turn off your head lights it's even better. Turn into the specified radio station to hear Christmas music all the way through.

Enjoy the ride through the 200' tunnel at the end.
Skriftlig 1 december 2019
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Thank you so much for your kind words; so happy to hear you all enjoyed. Merry Christmas!
Skriftlig 2 december 2019
Det här är det subjektiva svaret från en representant för ledningen och inte från Tripadvisor LLC.

Summer H
Edmonton, Kanada103 inlägg
4,0 av 5 bubblor
aug. 2019
I took my teenage son with me to see Hot August Night. He wanted to see semi trucks drag racing. Unfortunately, I had the date wrong but we weren't disappointed. There were many varieties of races to watch; drags, rockets cars, funny cars, motor cycles, snowmobiles, and even 2 semi trucks. We ran into friends we knew and toured the pits to check out some of the racing vehicles. I would recommend bringing stadium seating with backs on them as the benches are hard after 5 hours! Line ups for food were long, but the prices and quality were good. Lots to see and do besides the races that day. All in all, much better than I was expecting!
Skriftlig 24 augusti 2019
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Edmonton, Kanada41 inlägg
3,0 av 5 bubblor
juli 2019 • Ensam
These guys amaze me.Drive as fast as they can (130ish mph) in a 360 sprint car down a bumpy dirt track,point it straight at the steel wall then just before you hit it turn right to go left.Somehow it works and it is racing at its finest.3/8 mile track well prepared tonight, tacky and very fast.The Wissota late models got in a couple heat races before the rain hit and turned it into a skating rink.Trevor Emond running in this class (among the best there is).The facility is getting a little run down,but is still a great little track for some great grass roots racing.
Skriftlig 18 juli 2019
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Thanks so much for your great feedback; I'll pass along to the Dirt Oval Racing organizers. The track is much prettier when we can cut the grass and haven't been through 20 solid days of rain.
Skriftlig 22 juli 2019
Det här är det subjektiva svaret från en representant för ledningen och inte från Tripadvisor LLC.

ONOWAY11 inlägg
1,0 av 5 bubblor
juli 2019
Just attended this event on Saturday July 13, went later in the afternoon, we wanted to stay for the evening events. At 6 pm they announced the evening events were starting, the weather was great, everything was promising. Then they did two runs the last run a car blew some oil so they had to clean the track for safety reasons. Totally agree and understand that. But it took them 2 HOURS to clean the track. This is ridiculous, get more man power, equipment to clean it up, people pay good money to see the show, not to mention the racers that come from far away to race! I have been to many races and have never seen anything like this. TERRIBLE, what a waste of a night and money...
Skriftlig 15 juli 2019
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I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your experience. The first Oil spill was literally 1/4 mile long and it only took 45 mins to clean up. Ironically, we started racing again and another car oiled down the track almost immediately after getting started again. The second spill took apx 30 mins to clean up- the perception may have been a 2 hour wait, but in reality it was 2 completely separate events. Our Drag Team is exceptional- we have plenty of man power and equipment; unpredictability is a nature of the motorsport beast, Race Teams constantly push the limits of their vehicles, which can sometimes result in on track 'maintenance' due to spills, parts, crashes, etc. Its not typical to see 2 major spills back to back. We hope you return in the future, thank you for sharing.
Skriftlig 22 juli 2019
Det här är det subjektiva svaret från en representant för ledningen och inte från Tripadvisor LLC.

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