Safari Niagara
Safari Niagara
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573 omdömen
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Mary-Clare N
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Kanada72 inlägg
aug. 2024 • Par
There’s so much to see and do here! My boyfriend and I were able to feed the hippos:))) and the animals seemed to have lots of space and care
Skriftlig 23 december 2024
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Toronto, Kanada41 inlägg
juli 2024 • Familj
It's dated but still fun.
The shows only play once a day so if you miss it then you missed it. There's a staffing issue for sure. We were in the FunFair section, the staff would close a ride to operate another and there was a number of rides and only 3 staff. A bit sad to see.
Lots of animals to see but a number of enclosure that just seem to be cement pads now.
Get a Groupon or save your money.
The shows only play once a day so if you miss it then you missed it. There's a staffing issue for sure. We were in the FunFair section, the staff would close a ride to operate another and there was a number of rides and only 3 staff. A bit sad to see.
Lots of animals to see but a number of enclosure that just seem to be cement pads now.
Get a Groupon or save your money.
Skriftlig 28 juli 2024
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Jim Collacott
Niagarafallen, Kanada14 inlägg
dec. 2023 • Familj
This display is absolutely fabulous. The amount of thought, design and setup boggles your mind. The show is extensive and brilliant. You travel through at 4 kph. This gives you ample time to take it all in without missing anything.
The ticket price is for a carload and you must reserve your date and time.
Go for it! It's an experience not to be missed.
The ticket price is for a carload and you must reserve your date and time.
Go for it! It's an experience not to be missed.
Skriftlig 7 december 2023
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Krista C
1 inlägg
aug. 2023 • Vänner
Absolutely disgusting behaviour made by 2 staff members at the park. I was with my family and 5 children together. Trolly driver named Bill harassed my friend by pointing right in her face and then when she told him to stop he went inches from her face to continue being belligerent until I stepped in to stop the interaction. He didn’t want her on her cell phone. Second staff member Janette in charge of the Budgie experience would not allow a mother to be with her children during the interaction. She was very rude and does not understand customer service whatsoever. This was my first time at the park and I will never go again. Harassment is absolutely unacceptable, made even worse by children being present. Do better
Skriftlig 19 augusti 2023
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3 inlägg
aug. 2023 • Familj
We had a nice time.
My daughter is 6 and she was a good age for this place.
When we arrived to the rides, only 3 out of the 7 were operating. Afterwards, we saw that attendants would close the ride they were operating to open another for a while. The rides are basically all the same. They go round and round. Good for little ones.
The music though. It is only 70’s music. It was so terribly annoying! SWITCH UP THE MUSIC! Your main customers have to be millennials taking their children.
Overall had a nice time.
My daughter is 6 and she was a good age for this place.
When we arrived to the rides, only 3 out of the 7 were operating. Afterwards, we saw that attendants would close the ride they were operating to open another for a while. The rides are basically all the same. They go round and round. Good for little ones.
The music though. It is only 70’s music. It was so terribly annoying! SWITCH UP THE MUSIC! Your main customers have to be millennials taking their children.
Overall had a nice time.
Skriftlig 1 augusti 2023
Det här är ett subjektivt omdöme av en Tripadvisor-medlem och inte av Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor kontrollerar omdömen.
Maryanne L
Timmins, Kanada23 inlägg
aug. 2022
We had a great time with my two daughters 11,15yrs old trekking around the safari. We choose to walk around rather than jump on the trams as they were packed solid. Don’t forget to wear hats, bring water and pack a lunch. And sunscreen . It was a hot sunny day, well worth the adventure for all ages!!
Skriftlig 17 maj 2023
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Toronto, Kanada219 inlägg
aug. 2022 • Familj
The tram system makes several stops through the park. We took a few rounds. Stroller can go up the tram as well. There might be waiting lines but manageable.
Skriftlig 4 november 2022
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Tiffany W
Floby, Sverige2 inlägg
juli 2022
My family an I had a great day here. There is so much to see and do. The ability to feed the animals is fantastic. one and a half year old had so much fun. This place is great for everyone. There is something for everyone to do and see. Staff was so friendly and knowledgeable. I would recommend this place for everyone.
Skriftlig 2 augusti 2022
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Hagersville, Kanada72 inlägg
juli 2022
Overall, it was a very enjoyable experience and the 4 kids who were with us loved the things we did get to do such as the Skyrope experience, feeding the giraffes, the Splash Pad & the Merry Go Round. The people were very friendly and the park was clean and organized. First thing in the morning, a lot of the animals were not out of their "houses" so there was really nothing to see in most cages. We didn't see any of the shows because we weren't in those specific areas at the times they were on. One of the reasons for this is because we spent about 2+ hours out of our day waiting for the tram (apparently there were 2 in the park). When the tram did come by, most of the time it was full of people with their strollers and wagons and they didn't get off, so basically, if we didn't want to walk a long way with 4 small kids, we waited some more. A suggestion would be, to utilize more trams at the busier times of the day like first thing in the morning when people are entering and later in the afternoon when people are leaving. It was very frustrating and was the only thing that put a damper on our day.
Skriftlig 7 juli 2022
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Vancouver, Kanada359 inlägg
sep. 2021
It's a very nice place to visit, worth the money if you come with the kids. There are some ways usually to get tickets cheaper so look for some coupons etc. There is a lot of things to do inside, boats, playgrounds etc etc
Skriftlig 29 januari 2022
Det här är ett subjektivt omdöme av en Tripadvisor-medlem och inte av Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor kontrollerar omdömen.
Hi, can we buy tickets at the counter too? I am not able to book online
Skrivet 4 augusti 2021
What happens if I continuously rains . And has anything changed since COVID
Skrivet 22 juli 2020
Yes you can. There is an area near the splash pad/playground that has picnic tables, food and drinks for sale and is also where the washrooms are located. There is also another area near the Rhinos I think that has seating with food and drinks available for sale. Or you could bring a blanket and have a picnic in some of the grassy areas. Hope this helps.
Skrivet 27 augusti 2018
Hello. Our son is on the severe end of the spectrum. Our worry isn't over stimulation but rather, wanting to do things he isn't able to do, i.e. going on rides by himself. If he sees something he wants and can't do, he will go into a full out meltdown. I'm just concerned as we also have our nt daughter coming along and I want to go somewhere that they can both have fun.
Skrivet 6 augusti 2018
sorry just saw this post.... there really aren't rides but since my post they have added a carousel , splash pad is there swing slides, a peddle boat in a water area to use as well..... hope this helps
Skrivet 27 augusti 2018
Anyone know if they accept e-tickets or do you have to print off the tickets.
Skrivet 12 juli 2018
Stevensville, Kanada
Hello! We accept e-tickets and do not require you to print your tickets.
Skrivet 13 juli 2018
Stevensville, Kanada
Hello! We are located on the Canadian side of the border in Stevensville, Ontario. We are located roughly 10 minutes from the Peace Bridge.
Skrivet 13 juli 2018
Is it true that in order to feed the giraffes or interact with the big cats you have to pay $40 per person per encounter and you aren't even allowed to take pictures???
Skrivet 25 augusti 2017
Anyone can feed the giraffes and take pictures. There is a dispenser that provides food for a dollar. the giraffes are behind a fence but they will lean over and eat out of your hand. There are 'behind the scenes' tours for $40. My nephew did the giraffe tour and loved it, worth every penny. He loves giraffes.
There is a private zoo east of Toronto and they charge about $125 for behind the scenes tours!
Skrivet 25 augusti 2017
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